Thank You Holland; Forever in My Heart :) :)

It was 12:05 pm (Thai standard time) 13 th of September 2014 when I travelled to the Netherlands from Bangkok. It was no fun being on a flight for 11 hours esp. when you are alone. The evening of that day I reached Schiphol International airport, Holland. The sun was brightly up in the sky and the beautiful plain stretch unceasing in front of me. Here at Holland I was lodged at one of the most beautiful location in the entire Holland; the Scheveningen Haven in the Hauge. The beautiful North Sea lies just in front of our apartment. Yes! Every day here had been a good surprise for me. I never missed a chance to visit the super crowded Amsterdam, the world’s second largest harbor; the Rotterdam and some other cities in Holland. Fairy tales only happen in dream or movies; but this time it wasn’t any more. I found myself standing under the gigantic Effile tower which was a dream come true. Visiting Paris was what I have always wanted to do in my life. It was fun exploring the histori...