Celebrating the 60th Birth Anniversary in our Style!!!

Ladies and gentlemen dressed in their best attire, a huge curve of smile on everyone’s face just reminded that the nation is celebrating a big and historic day. The 11 th of November 2015, the 60 th birth anniversary of our beloved Drugyal Zhipa will remain as one undying and cherishable moments of each and every Bhutanese. As the Nation celebrated the day, we came forward with our simple floral designing and product development exhibition. That was the best effort an agriculturalist student can come up for such a big day. The exhibition was a part of our module which carries mark, yet never for a moment had we thought of the scores. Everyone just gave out their best dedication and pure sincerity to mark the special day. Despite a hustle bustle month of preparation and sleepless nights, the result was worth the hard work we have put in. The exhibition dedicated to our beloved king was added with beautiful colors of flowers and plants. Each group came up with...