Climate Change: A Risky Business
(My Essay From 2015... Academic Skill ) The world today has encountered one of the most complex issue it has ever had to deal with; the climate change. Lately, climate change and global warming has become the talk of the town. It is one of the major global issues faced by the world today and everyone is responsible for the change occurring and has the responsibility to prevent it. The change in the climatic pattern of the world due to gradual increase in the global temperature is defined as the climate change , (Stanford Solar Center, 2008). Many scholars, geologist and climatologist did detailed study on global warming and climate change. Those studies have revealed that the climate change is taking place and the effects were seen (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2007). Over the decade, the change in climate has been observed and some of the serious causes of global warming have been known. The impacts human have on the world has literally changed ...