My Unrevealed Crush

“zaii……… kay Namesey meay soft du…..” I thought. I closed my eyes to feel the voice of a stranger seated behind me. It was 9 th April 2012. I was on my way from Chubu hot spring in Punakha. After around four hours of journey, finally I reached chuzom; the confluence. I caught a cab and sat inside. By then, I was fully exhausted like an old tire. The cab driver was looking for few more passengers. After an hour of waiting he got 2 passengers and now only one to look for. Dusk started to pull in and my heart was beating rapidly. We were about to leave when a young guy approached our cab…… The voice of that stranger was soft. He was tall. Every girl dreams to fall for a tall, dark, and handsome guy. It was 6:30 pm when we started our journey towards Haa. The silence in the cab was broken by the guy. It seems like he knows the driver well. They kept on talking and I humbly listened to them. I was lost in my fantasy world. I wanted to talk but I was nervous as hell. For the first tim...