Autumn in My Heart

The touch of leaves falling over you, the feeling of chill breeze brushing against your cheeks, yeah! Finally the fall is here. Back home the Blessed Rainy Day is the indication of the last monsoon and the start of a new season. I was walking along the beach of Scheveningen here in the Hauge and watching the waves play with the sand. A group of granny playing on the beach distracted me and I was gazing them with a deep thought. They were living their youthful days. It just reminded me that age is just a numerical but inside, our heart never grows old. I went into the sea to feel the waves but then the peace environment took me into a thought. A thought of my late uncle came ringing in my mind. Today was his 49 th day and I still couldn’t believe that he is no longer with us. I smiled through tears chewing over my days with my late uncle. The last autumn, I remember us together talking over a cup of tea. At the end it is just the memories that can live and will be valued for...