My Summer Takes ...

Lately I had been too much involved with an assignment where I had to click flower pictures and identify them. For a moment I felt like I was living my childhood days where I and my friends used to collect flowers and count who among us has the highest and the most beautiful flower. In the process of this beautiful assignment I realized my weakness with flowers; I hardly know the names of flowers exc luding the common ones and sometime it is a shame to call yourself an agriculturalist. Every day, as we live by, we get to have the glance of beautiful flowers yet never bother to appreciate the beauty. I was one among it. I have come across many eye pleasing and heart touching flowers yet I never took a time to capture a click. Just a week ago, I was in a rush for my assignment and went across from places to places looking for flowers. I got few clicks and I immensely fell in love with flowers. Sometime a picture can make someones hard day a brighter one, yes! It did to me....