The hidden village- Khenedrang

 I woke up to a beautiful morning in a newly born village. Khenedrang is a resettlement village in Zobel geog under Pemagatsel. A small and fresh village located 22 kilometer away from the main town.  Today there are a total of 46 households. People have come from different places of Pemagatsel like Waphaey, chongmashing and nanong.
After seeing the community with a similar housing style and proper land management, it reminded me of my Farmville farm in facebook. The place is so beautiful that it just captured my innocent heart within a few moments. The land was given to the people by our fifth king. In front of every house you could see a drinking water tap and a proper toilet.  The people there started growing citrus and mango as their cash crop and upland paddy and maize as their food crop.
I was wandering around the community when my eye captured a shed in a school where beautiful woven Jolas were hanged. I couldn’t stop myself from having a clear view of that. Khenedrang Extended School has classes up to three. The students were made compulsory to carry their pack lunch in woven jola. I could see beautifully woven jola with awesome pattern hanged in the shed. We were told by the principal that this is just a bit that the school can do in preserving our culture. That was really an impressive act and wish if all schools in our country could follow that. The three year old village is connected by a farm road and electricity.
"Preserving our Culture"

“life changed after coming here. We have no enough words to thank our King for granting us the Land.” Says Jangchu Dorji, the village tshogpa. Today the village is a hot spot for many of the project and research. “It was our luck and fortune to be here today. In our former village there had been a water constraint and we couldn’t do any farming”, says abi Pema.
The community is yet to be developed and I am sure that one day this hidden village will be a model village of eastern Bhutan. I had a wonderful day at Khenedrang and exploring the hidden village was so much fun.  Just looking forward to my next visit.


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