ZZZz... Zhemgang

Ascending the lonely road of Wangdigang, I could feel the warmth and smell the land of Khengpas. It was my first time travelling beyond Trongsa. Despite waking up and eating at an odd hour, I always enjoyed travelling and experiencing new adventurous. My affinity for travelling goes back to the day when I first stepped the land of eastern Bhutan. In the recent year travelling has become my biggest passion and hobby. Truly I am captivated by the beautiful places within our country. Zhemgang, a place located in the heart of Bhutan, is a place that I always wanted to see. I never had a thought of being in this place even for a while. When an idea about an official program in Zhemgang was raised, I volunteered to do the task. I have seen the place in a popular BBS programme; Nazhoen Express. It is a beautiful and a silent place. Its moderate weather can make any one fall in love with it. I just visited Trong and as expected it was a lively village. Lots of my old mates have groom...