March Madness- Stay Warm

The winter of 2016 was much calmer than I ever thought. It was smooth and wonderfully mild. The long anticipated wait for the winter snow never came and by then winter came to an end.  Just as we thought the spring was approaching, March blew in like a lion. Yes! It was the first snow fall of the year. I must say, March is tricky.

Who don’t like waking up to an unusual surrounding and experiencing an extraordinary feeling?. Snowfall and indeed the first snowfall is considered as a real happiness. That feeling of gazing at the world covered in a sea of snow is one of the most beautiful feelings. No winter is fun and complete without a snowfall. The March snow has made everyone bring back their warm jacket, boots, gloves, etc... The beauty of molding and building snowman and sharing laughter over a snow fight can be  a lifetime experience and memories.. Today we have cameras where we can freeze the memories forever.

The excitement a snowfall can bring is beyond limit. With snowfall whether you choose to play in or appreciate it through a frosty window, there is no denying that the flakes make you pause and grab the attention of their arrival. This beauty of a nature is unlimited and worth appreciating.

I have grown up experiencing snowfall and it is very much associated with my childhood; however I missed it this time. I woke up to a gloomy and wet morning here at Punakha but I must say I woke up to a Facebook page flooded with snowfall post. The reminiscence of my snowfall days couldn’t stop me from writing this and just than I have realized that the side effect of the snowfall has touched me. Somewhere deep inside I missed my home, the warm bhukhari and ofcourse the hot changkey.

The spring has just started with this unexpected snowfall and hopefully it will bring a change, newness and freshness to our surrounding. Wishing everyone a happy weekend!!! Stay Warm!!!


  1. If we think there is less and less snowfall it is you and I who have contributed unto it. Over the years we have started experiencing less and less such natural process of weather forecast indicating some severe danger for times to come. Thanks and nice read.

  2. haha. snow will never come to Wengkar


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