Forever grateful

It was a year ago..... When I counted my Blessings like never before..... 

" I was sitting with a blank paper in my hand getting ready to map out 2018. Then a thought on the outgoing year came flooding. It would be unfair on my side if I don't look back at 2017. Yes!!, it had been a hectic and stressful year. Somewhere I felt it more like a dream of summer midnight. The thought of travelling during monsoon, the undulating boulders, sleepy muddy roads and road blocks now and then still scares me. There had been a time when I cried to bed, cursing myself for what I was doing. However, somewhere the little self-trust within kept me alive. As September began, I remember sleeping among the books and papers flooding around me. Before I could at least enjoy a single summer day, fall has already rolled around. The  winding up of summer made my heart heavier. Truly the summer of 2017 was too short. As October bided its goodbye, the cold air started spreading around. The feel of winter has come. Then my days were always in the thought of my ultimate goal. The perplexed November was occupied with Maize survey which indeed helped me to get out of my stressed thoughts. By the time I was back to my station, December has pulled in. It was then; I realized that even sleeping was scarier. Somehow, December was gentle and kind enough to cherish. The last 30 days of 2017 had been the best days of my life. What could I ask more for; Lomba and National day celebration at Home came right after my most anticipated result.
In the depth of winter I finally realized how time had fled. The memories, the lessons and the simple joys that has marked some special days are captured for eternity. I am extremely grateful to all those wonderful people involved in making my 2017 an exciting year".

Thank you for being there, for adding to conversation, for reading the words and for enabling me to do what I love.


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