4 Angels behind my Childhood

George Elior in his book The Miles on the Floss, he quoted that we would have never loved the earth so well if we have no childhood in it. Childhood is the best part of every person’s life. The memories of those days are treasured forever. It is the stage of life where we are innocent and young. The days are really unforgettable and cherish able. It is the part of a life where we meet our precious and best friends. My childhood days are the best part of my life. I can live the rest of my life by cherishing those memories. The mixture memories of love, laughter, etc… are always the best. Reflecting back to those days I still remember my gang with whom I had shared my top secrets. They are the best ones. Back then we were the prank-master of our school. The youthful and innocent days at Jyenkhana pry. School is still very vivid in my heart. My childhood friends are sweet, bubbly and awesome. My entire childhood days revolve around those people. I was gifted w...